Category: general

Angel, “Sacrifice”

We’re professional monster killers! By Anthony Karcz April 24, 2003 Harumph…the line above is Cranky Reviewer’s Exhibit A for everything that’s wrong with this week’s episode. CR Exhibit B is the fact that Angel follows it up with “Let’s go get professional on that monster.” Check, please. Let me start out by saying that I am a huge fan of…

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Buffy, “End of Days”

A moment of silence for Miss Kitty Fantastico… By Sarah Kuhn May 14, 2003 Oh, dear. I guess we finally know what happened to Miss Kitty Fantastico. I bet the kitten playing Miss Kitty just became such a diva that they wrote her out of the show. I would love to see the Us Weekly photo spread on that, complete with paparazzi…

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Marvel keeps the winning streak alive with Mark Steven Johnson’s affectionate new film. By Dan Wiencek February 19, 2003 Reading Daredevil as a kid was like being into the Shoes or Husker Du — most people wouldn’t have a clue what you were talking about, but those who did would nod approvingly, as though you had fulfilled some half-formed expectation they’d had…

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Dead Air: The Highwayman

Glen Larson is watching you watch his show about crime fighting vehicles. By Chris Stewart April 03, 2003 Sometimes it’s pretty clear why shows die, never to return. Sometimes the idea is just sooooo bizarre, it’s not “before its time”, rather “it’s from another planet where up is down and laughter is pain.” The Highwayman is one of those shows. Basically, a…

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Buffy, “Lies My Parents Told Me”

Peaches? Is that you? By Sarah Kuhn March 27, 2003 I haven’t called Spike “Peaches” since season 5. Truth be told, I haven’t really enjoyed the character since s5, with a few notable exceptions (“Tabula Rasa,” for example) sprinkled in here and there. And while I’m not quite ready to don my “Love’s Bitch” Fan Club beanie again, at least…

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Angel, “Salvage”

Five by five. By Anthony Karcz March 07, 2003 Faith is back. That sentence alone is enough to send the whole of Buffy fandom into a rabid, frothing fit. But wait, there’s more: Wes sees dead people! The Beast is hoisted on his own petard! Babies are having babies! Ah, but I’m getting ahead of myself. We open with the…

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The Simpsons, “I Am Furious Yellow”

Help yourself to some stock. By Dan Wiencek April 29, 2002 After your typical 5 minutes of opening shenanigans, Bart decides he’s going to be a comic artist. His first efforts more or less suck, but he gets encouragement from an unlikely source: Stan Lee himself, who’s visiting the Android’s Dungeon to hang out and make sure Marvel merchandise is…

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Angel, “Power Play”

One down, one to go. (originally posted – 5/12/04) By Anthony Karcz September 16, 2004 Time keeps on tickin’ as we come to the penultimate episode of Angel. But has Angel really turned to the Dark Side? Does Lindsay succeed in being smirkily vague? More importantly, does Busty Nina finally have her day in the sun? Read on, True Believer! No…

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Geek Chic: The List

Cool? Not Cool? Always Cool. By Ivan Sian July 26, 2002 OK, IT Lists seem to be the bee’s knees these days. People love lists and love to see who or what’s Cooler than Jesus. Hell, E! has created an entire show around that concept. We here at EG are no different. As a result, consider the following list of random Geek Chic, presented…

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Guilty As Charged

The Gilmore Girls By Ivan Sian June 24, 2002 I’m back. Like a bad penny, I keep turning up. Your friendly neighborhood crank and surly old man (in attitude, if not in age–Hey you, get off my lawn!) of the Internet is back with a whole new column. This column is all about Guilty Pleasures–mostly mine, but if properly goaded…

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